
Posts Tagged ‘our home’

Eggplant Purple!

I have this thing for purple.  It started when I was very little.  My mom decided (I think it was mostly her) that purple was my color and pink was my sister’s.  I always said purple was my favorite color until I hit the teen years.  Then, in wild rebelliousness, I claimed green.  Now, I can’t name a single color.  I just ADORE them all!  But… at the same time, I seem to land on purple again and again.

Like way back when I chose the colors for my online maternity store.

Or, when I chose a color scheme for the living room:  brick red, burnt orange, eggplant purple and green… ok, and black and brown too).

Our livingroom

Or, when I chose a wall color for my laundry room.  (I can’t show you a picture of that because I chose the WRONG paint color.  It’s rather embarrassing.  I should never be allowed to choose the actual paint chip for a room.  The idea, yes, the actual shade, no).

So, when my husband asked me what color he should paint the new furniture he’s made for our living room, I immediately thought, “Eggplant Purple!”  It was a hard sell, but he agreed to a dark eggplant for the media storage table if we went with black for the TV stand.  Fair.

And, here it is… my first piece of colored furniture ever!

Eggplant media cabinet

I think we chose a nice shade, even though the red brick behind it makes it look pretty darn purple.  What do you think?  At first we finished it with round pull-knobs, but those looked ridiculous with the boxy design (we’re IKEA fans).  The new nobs still look small, but they blend I think.

And, yes, I am totally blessed to have a man who makes us furniture!  Over the years he’s made us countless pieces and right now he’s actually making a new front door.  ( I didn’t know you could do that!)  Before you get too jealous, let me tell you a dirty secret:  he’s a quilt-hater.  Can’t get him to like ’em, no matter what.  I keep showing him new, cool/modern designs but he won’t budge, persistently refusing to let me make a quilt for our bed.  Miraculously, I still love him.

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